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executive coaching, coaching professionnel, aziendale
career coaching, coaching de carrière, coaching de carriera
life coaching, coaching de vie, coaching di vita
health and balance coaching, ayurveda

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a process of human enhancement that helps you to develop competencies, aiming to reach your professional or personal goals and dreams, in a faster way and with more autonomy.

Even in case you are not clear yet about your goals but feel that you want a better life, the Coaching can be very useful to you.


Coaching is not therapy

While therapy makes a profound study of your history in order to understand your present behavior (past + present), the Coaching focus is on the present behavior to help you arrive where you want faster (present + future).

The process is fast – on average, it is possible to change or enhance a behavior each 10 or 12 meetings.

What to expect?

• More focus on task performance

• More assertiveness: position yourself in an honest, respectful and objective way

• Better team management

• More clarity about your goals

• More attention to your own feelings and emotions

• More satisfaction in any area of life


The Coaching can be applied to any life sector: professional (commonly named as Executive Coaching), health, financials, relationships and others.

Executive coaching, coaching professionnel, work, travail, lavoro, azienda, entreprise, entrepreneur, entrepreneuse, leadership, leader, Stela Klein, Janaina Weiss

Executive Coaching

executive coaching

Optimizes your performance in a corporate environment. Professional development, communication, leadership, team management and emotional intelligence are among the themes commonly developed.

career coaching, coaching de carrière, coaching de carriera, lavoro, coach, Stela Klein, Janaina Weiss

Career Coaching

career coaching, carrière, lavoro, vita lavorativa

(Re)define your career steps with short, medium and long-term plans or work in your job transition process. Can include competencies mapping and job interview training.

Janaina Weiss, Stela Klein, life coaching, coaching de vie, coaching di vita



ayurveda, enneagram, ennéagramme, Janaina Weiss, Stela Klein

Search for the next level in terms of satisfaction, balance and fulfillment in different areas of life (use of the Wheel of Life tool). It is about having the ability to put yourself in 1st place, effectively bringing more satisfaction not only to yourself but also to the ones around you.

Janaina Weiss, Stela Klein, health and balance coaching, ayurveda, ennéagramme, enneagram

Health and Balance Coaching

Health & Balance Coaching

Aims to optimize your integral health and the choices that influence it on a daily basis, reaching a more harmonious and healthy life. It may include Meditation and Mindfullness techniques and the Perfect Health Program, from Chopra Center.

What is Coaching

Executive Coaching


Ideal if you wish to:

• Enhance team management;

• Better position yourself towards colleagues and leaders;

• Reach goals faster;

• Achieve a new position;

• Optimize your overall performance;

• Develop specific competencies.

Career Coaching

Ideal if you wish to:

• Identify your values, needs and natural talents;

• Search for new professional challenges;

• Define, plan or review your career path;

• Take solid decisions during transition periods.

Life Coaching

Ideal if you wish to:

• Have a more satisfactory life, even when you do not know where to make a change;

• Have significant transformation in areas such as intimate, family or social relationships, finances, work, projects, etc;

• Use the Enneagram as a self-knowledge tool.

Health and Balance Coaching

Ideal if you want to:

• Be healthy – Deepak Chopra’s Perfect Health approach;

• Make substantial and long-lasting improvements in your health;

• Change habits and life style;

• Lose weight;

• Increase your emotional balance.

Janaina Weiss, Stela Klein, team coaching, coaching d'équipe, coaching di squadra, team coaching



team coaching, coaching d'équipes, coaching di squadra

Enhance leadership skills to create high-performance teams.  Team members develop key behaviors to speed up the attainment of goals and objectives.

Janaina Weiss, Stela Klein, expatriates and spouses, coaching for expats, expatriation, impatriation, international job assignment

Expat and Spouses Coaching

expats, expatriation, mobilité internationale

Focus on supporting you, the expat, or your spouse, to manage the simultaneous changes in the various life sectors during the transition period. Helps to achieve a faster adaptation to a new culture and to a new home (sometimes inside the same country).

Janaina Weiss, Stela Klein, adolescents, teenagers coaching

Teenagers Coaching

teenagers, talents

Amplifies the adolescent vision about himself/herself and works on identifying his/her strengths, talents and vocations. It also works on hurdles that may become obstacles for achieving true potential.

Janaina Weiss, Stela Klein, retirement coaching, coaching pour la préparation à la retraite, preparazione per andare in pensione, seniors, anziani, mature adulthood, terza età, personnes âgées, bucket list

Middle Age and Retirement Coaching

retiremnt coaching, retraite, retraité, pensione

Support the person planning on retiring. The goal is to make a smooth transition to this new phase in order to keep a useful, active and satisfactory life. It focuses on pre and post retirement planning which can be up to a third of your life.

Team Coaching


Ideal for teams and leaders who wish to:

. Develop high-performance teams or lead groups;

. Implement a new organizational culture (mergers and acquisitions / strategy);

. Manage internal conflicts;

. Optimize communications, environment, image and interfaces between company’s areas.

Expat and Spouses Coaching

Ideal if you wish to:

As an expat:

. Maintain and amplify your performance during expatriation;

. Adapt your leadership style according to the new culture;

. Develop a transition plan.

As a spouse:

. Accelerate your adaptation without loosing your identity;

. Continue to feel useful and empowered in your new daily life.

Teenagers Coaching


Ideal if you wish to:

. Identify and recognize your strengths, talents and vocations;

. Develop career paths aligned with your potential;

. Remove obstacles to reaching your full potential;

. Visualize who you could be.

Middle Age and Retirement Coaching


Ideal if you wish to:

. Identify occupational possibilities and making free time productive during retirement;

. Avoid the sensation of “emptiness” that the beginning of retirement may bring;

. Have a more active, independent and happy attitude in your later years.

How does the Coaching work?

. Lower costs: when compared to in-person meetings.


. Higher geographical reach: meetings can be held in any city or country.

. Higher comfort: as there is no travel involved, the meeting place can be chosen by the client (we recommend a peaceful, quiet place, with privacy and a good internet connection).


Remote/online Coaching advantages:

The Coaching can be done in person or remotely.



English, French, Italian or Portuguese



Weekly or Bi-weekly



Remotely, online (Skype, Facebook, Facetime, etc)


In person: to be determined



Average of 12 meetings
(Executive or Career Coaching)
Meetings: 1 hour each

The Coaching involves focus (clear goals and challenges) and structure (process and methodology).







Final report




Individual or in group

process, coaching methodology, procès, processo

How does the Coaching work?

self-reflexion, auto riflessione, connaissance de soi, réalisation de soi


In our fast-moving daily lives we rarely stop to evaluate our own behaviors, our reactions and how do we feel towards the events that happen to us.


Sometimes we hear from someone:

“I care more about the budget of the company I work for than my own”, or “I’m great at advising people but a lot of times I myself don’t know what to do”, or even “I’d love to change this habit I have, but when I notice, I’m in the process of repeating it again and again”.


The Coaching is a process that helps you to put focus on yourself and, as a result, your overall life becomes more satisfactory. When you ask yourself some questions you have the chance to give yourself the attention you deserve and get a better balance in life:



From time to time, ask yourself these questions and check your progress.

• Who am I? What do I really want/wish? What is my life purpose?

• How do I know if I am satisfied in every area of my life?

• Am I satisfied with my career and with what I’ve achieved so far?

• Am I leaving a legacy to the people around me?

• Do I have any dreams that I’d like to fulfill?

• Are there any obstacles that are not allowing me to reach what I want?

• Am I conscious about the impact I have on the people that work with me?

• Do I keep complaining about the life I have? What have I been doing to improve my situation?

• What is my main concern?

• Do I know what I need to do to define my goals and to avoid any behaviors that may not be helpful?

• What if I adopted a new behavior from now on? What needs to happen so I can do it?

• What have I learned from an event that I considered sad or negative?

• What is fact and what is my perception or interpretation of the reality? 

• What is my responsibility in everything that happens to me?

Our Credentials

Our Credentials

coach, professional coach, certificate coach, coach professionnel, coach certifié, coach certificata

Janaina Weiss



• International Integrated Coaching certificate (certified by International Coaching Federation / ICF) – Integrated Coaching Insitute (ICI).


• Bachelor’s Degree in Production Engineering from Politechnical School of São Paulo Univerisity (USP) and International Executive MBA at FIA/USP.


• Certifications: Eckhart Tolle for Helping Professional; Chopra Center University – Perfect Health Certified Instructor; Enneagram Intensive Program (EPTP-Illuminata); Coaching with Enneagram (Ginger Lapid-Bogda).




• 18-year experience at Brazilian and multinational companies of different sizes and sectors: Whirlpool / Embraco, Blue Tree Hotels, Peugeot Citroën, OPP Petrochemical.


• Representative work in teams, processes and product management. International experience. Leadership, integration and development of teams of different profiles and cultures, surpassing local and global challenges.


• Enneagram teacher certified by EPTP (Enneagram Professional Training Program) from Helen Palmer e David Daniels. Faculty member of Mundo Eneagrama - a global learning community.


• Meditation and Perfect Health certified instructor.


• Organizational and Family Constellation facilitator with trainings with Bert Hellinger, Sofie Hellinger, Mimansa e Hellinger Schulle's teacher. Member of Hellinger Sciencia.

As a coach: My goal is to support and challenge my clients to find their best resources and the way to fulfill their dreams. Make them become their own coaches, allowing them to become responsible for their own happiness.

Stela Klein.jpg

Maria Stela d'Escragnolle Klein


• PCC certification at ICF.

International Integrated Coaching certificate (certified by International Coaching Federation / ICF) – Integrated Coaching Institute (ICI).


• Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies from the School of Communications from Rio de Janeiro Federal University, with Post-graduate degree in Retail Services at IBMEC.


• Certifications: Enneagram (Up9 Human Development); Coaching + Advanced Coaching with Enneagram (Enneagram in Business – Denmark and Ireland).         




• 20-year experience at Brazilian and multinational companies such as Ipiranga Petrol, Yum! Brands, Sodexo, Whirlpool / Embraco, in leading executive positions.


• Experience in people management, international communication projects, Branding, change management and organizational culture change.

• Created an innovative Retirement Coaching methodology - how to develop a smooth transition, keeping the knowledge in the company and continuing to feel useful and productive after retirement. 


• International experience in the US, China, Mexico, Italy, Slovakia and France(*).


• Carer coach at french business schools.

• Volunteer coach at 60000 rebonds association - support to entrepreneurs that went to bankruptcy, in France.

As a coach: My goal is to remind everyone that every situation can be seen from different angles and that we can always choose which one to take. With this, I want to reinforce self-management and the search for the best daily choices.


Journey of Coaching counts on a team of certified, experienced coaches with a solid managerial background in corporate environments


“ My greatest learning was the perception of my own self. How and why I react to specific situations and what can I do to keep evolving in my current job position. I do not only recommend going through the coaching process, but I also think that it is an essential and mandatory tool for a good professional development.


Multinational senior manager – Executive Coaching

It is a special gift to count on this “Academy” to “polish” my self. I recommend this process for professionals and people who are looking to strengthen themselves and close the gap between their needs and desires with reality.


Senior administrative professional in the public sector – Life Coaching

The coaching was a hallmark for me. The results achieved in such a short time are amazing. The main achievement was to make a clear and feasible (career) plan that will help me to do the next steps with more confidence.


Young professional – Career Coaching

“ The coaching helped to identify the limitations that I was creating to myself in the way I see the environment I am in and, by exercising some sleepy muscles, I could reach my competency goal.


Multinational senior consultant – Executive Coaching

The Coaching is a self-knowledge journey.

transformation, evolution, transformation, evoluzione, cambiamento, experience


“ My greatest learning was the perception of my own self. How and why do I react to specific situations and what could I do to keep evolving in my current job position. I do not only recommend doing this coaching process, but I also think that it is an essential and mandatory tool for a good professional development.


Multinacional Senior Manager - Executive Coaching

It is a special gift to can count on this “Academy” to “polish” my self. I recommend this process for professionals and people who are looking to strengthen and promote the contact between their needs and desire with reality.


Senior administrative professional in the public sector - Executive Coaching 

The coaching is being a hallmark for me. The results achieved in such a short time are amazing. The main achievement was to make a clear and feasible (career) plan that will help me to do the next steps with more confidence.


Sales Director from Luxury Industry - Career Coaching

“ The coaching helped to identify the limitations that I was creating to myself in the way I see the ambiance I am in and that, only by exercising some sleepy muscles I could reach my competency goal.


Multinational Senior Consultant - Executive Coaching 

Among the clients, professionals in leadership positions, sport coaches, liberal professionals, intergovernmental agencies and companies from different sectors: luxury, fashion, restaurants, telecommunications, construction, mechanics, consuming goods, high technology.


(*) Activité de la société coopérative Elycoop  (SCOP SARL à capital variable)
(Siège social) : Pôle Pixel – Bât. B – 26  rue Emile Decorps – 69100 Villeurbanne
SIREN 429 851 637 - NAF 7022Z -  429 851 637 RCS Lyon - 1578

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